Tag Archives: weekend

Weekend Update with Randall Wong

Hrm, lesse what’s been going on since the last entry that seems like so long ago….

Lisa Lau got her license! But with a whole other lotta stuff that happened to her. Right after she went through all the trouble to get it (some cracked mirror, some brake light that was out, some other stuff, ugh) Anyways, right after she passed her license test, she was driving her brother’s civic and she backed up into another car that was backing up!! It was just a small scratch on the other car, but I heard that they reported it in or something, so there’s prolly some kinda insurance claim, blah. She also got a point on her record now, on her first day of her license!! geez! oh well….

Last Fridays’ service went well. Tiff lead worshp and I was playing bass instead of guitar. Was actually surprised that I was playing bass instead of guitar, but she wanted more of a driving beat. I also surprised myself, cuz I was getting pretty good and inovateive with the bass, what fun! hehe, wish I had a bass for myself now (well I do have Ann Kawauchi’s bass till I fix it). Tiff had a good mix of songs for Friday, and “I Offer My Life to You” was a real good closing response chorus (course I did tell her bout that song…lol, but that’s not the point, hehe).

Saturday AACF had our picnic/bbq (well…guess it was just a picnic, we didn’t cook any food, haha) with SFSU and SJSU together. We just had some sandwiches and cheetos and stuff at the picnic, wasn’t much to eat, but I guess that’s ok, hehe. Thanks to Jenny and Chris and Johnny who planned out the picnic for us. Fun time talking with people, playing the crazy balloon toss throwing game, and hanging out. That’s what fellowship with SFSU is all about. They’re our bro’s and sis’s in our extended fellowship. Great bunches of people.

Hung out over at the girl’s apt/town house all day. First we played DDR for a while, then got some food (20 pieces of McNuggets! rawk!!), then I slept a lil after Anh and Ricky left and while Let did homework. Went out to Red Robins at night and had the BEST watiress named Natelie I think. She hooked us up with so much fries and our freckled lemonades (everyone HAS to try that once in their life) and even got us freckled lemonades in TO GO cups! haw, rawk! =P

Today just went to church, hung out for a lil bit, drove some youth home and bought my mom some salmon for Mother’s Day. I had to get back down to San Jose though early, so I skipped out on my grandmother’s chinese dinner. Oh well. Oh, also found out today that Phong’s dad passed away, so anyone who read’s this and know’s Phong (of if ya just have a compassionate (compassionativity?) heart, please pray for him and his family right now.

Also check out Joe from SF’s cool page called A Frog’s Life (AFL). It’s a neat journalling type page that’s gonna be set for a movie script someday when he gets rich and famous and everything. It can be found at www.afrogslife.net.

Oh yeah, I’m also sick, and it sucks. Been phelmy, and bleh, it sucks. Went through almost a whole thing of Toilet Paper used as tissue in just a few hours, i hate it! bleh!! always sick around finals, heh. Pray for me bout that too! =P

current mood: sick