Eggerts Cafe in Daly City

Hah, posting from a lil tapioca cafe in Daly city called Eggerts. Neat lil place.
They have some weird lil waffle….egg…looking things… (I guess that’s why they call it eggerts…duh). They also have internet access here in the cafe, hence how I’m typing this now… kinda neat. muhahahaha.

We’re here (oh, Lisa, P.Sandra, John-David, Cliff, Joyce, Alli, and Bill (Alli’s dad)) cause we just came from eating at some Shanghai chinese restaurant over by Ranch 99 market in Daly City. Cliff just told me we’re here in southcity, but whatever…

Alli’s our summer youth intern (Sorta what Justin did last year, but this one’s paid, heh, or taken care of rather). So yeah, we’re just hanging out with her tonight after a long day of proctering. We procterd for the AIMR, CFA exam with Mrs. Chui. It was a LOOOONG day of standing, but worth the money for it, hehe.

Ok, back to talking…