Hah, when I was at work, I was talking with a Pastor from a somewhat new church down here in Palo Alto about worship, and about new songs and such (he’s looking for whatever stuff is really new, but I couldn’t offer too too much, He did end up buying Shane Barnard, Matt Redman, and Darrell Evans upon my suggestions though =) ). Anyways, that just spurred me tonight to go figure out some new songs. I originally posted on the Shane Barnard Project for someone to tab out that song “Take Me Away” by Lifehouse. I broke down and did it myself, but I did that song by David Crowder first. It doesn’t really have a title, but the chorus goes “O Praise Him” so that’s just what we’ve been calling it. I hope it appears on an album soon (maybe OneDay03?). Anyways, I have a rough cut of it from Thad’s FTP server, and it sounds great, so yeah. I figured out those two today.
current mood: joyous
current music: O Praise Him – David Crowder Band