Wow, what a busy day yesterday and today. We’re busy doing returns about the whole story, because of Christmas. Whatever didn’t sell, we’re trying to sell back to the company that we ordered it from (which is kinda neat, thought they would just make us store it till next year, lol). Anyways, since I’m now in the music department, I was busy doing a bunch of Christmas returns. We filled up a WHOLE WHOLE big cart, and it was probably atleast 3000 cds that we’re returning to 8 different companies. The biggest return was Avalon’s Christmas album, “Joy”. We’re returning 441 of those CDs. And I had to peel off every single Berean UPC sticker from them. Luckily, by that time, Sandy (one of the Office Associates) gave me a “Scraper” which has a edge that you can peel things off, or scrap them off. Too bad I didn’t have that earlier when I was doing all the rest of the Christmas CDs and my nail started peeling up, EWWW.
A few new worshp CDs are in the store now, but aren’t that great. I’m wanting to do a few more songs in the next couple of days, probably will be doing “Here I Am to Worship”, as well as “Pour Out My Heart” and ” We Are Hungry”. I need a program that will find out BPM, or Beats per Minute, so if you know of one, let me know, ASAP! Thanks! |